Worship Schedule


Greetings and welcome to the website for St. John’s Episcopal, located in beautiful Ouray, Colorado,

Due to concern with the COVID-19 Virus and the health of our Visitor’s and Parish Members, St. John’s is not meeting in person for services or events right now; however, we are still worshiping as a Spiritual Community! We are holding services via Zoom and other technology! As we add more services via Zoom, they will be posted here.

Please join us for:

Sundays at 10:30 AM via Zoom

Nightly Compline at 8:00 PM, Mondays through Saturdays
, via Zoom on your smart device or PC: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/753863977. Meeting Room 753 863 977. Login code: Compline. This will be the same meeting number for each night.

Blessings and God’s Peace Be With You!

Sundays (As we are able to resume services in our sanctuary)

9:45 am - Morning Coffee and Conversation based on the scriptural readings for the day. We gather for fellowship and refreshment before worship to study the scriptures and to prepare ourselves for worship.

10:30 am - Principal Sunday Worship Service including hymns, readings from scripture, prayers, Holy Communion, and a sermon reflecting on the daily scriptures.

Coffee and Fellowship following Worship


8:30 am - Morning Prayer

A 20-30 minute service of scripture, Psalms, spoken canticles, silence, and prayer taken from the Book of Common Prayer. This is a wonderful opportunity to begin and end the workday with prayer.

You are invited to join us at St. John’s for the following!

·         Sunday Lessons Discussion Group ~ ~ Each Sunday at 9:45 A.M. ~ Join the discussion group as we study the content and message of the Readings for the day, sharing thoughts and questions in preparation for worship.

·         Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 A.M.

·         Coffee and fellowship every Sunday, after worship. Visitors, please join us!

·         Men of Faith Bible Study ~ Monday ~ 10:00 A.M., at St John’s

·         Morning Prayer ~ Monday through Thursday at 8:30 A.M.

·         1st Sunday of each Month ~ Loaves & Fishes ~ gathering of food, personal care items and cash donations for Ouray County Pantry.  Thank you for your gifts.
