We welcome you to our services
We invite you to join us in worship in our beautiful, historic sanctuary. Each service will be celebrated with Morning Prayer or Worship offering Holy Communion and a sermon message.
If you are unable be be with us in person, we also connect the service online through Zoom. You can connect at 10:30 on Sunday mornings at this url:
Meeting ID: 899 2268 2546
Passcode: 173791
Link to lessons appointed for this Sunday: https://www.lectionarypage.net/YearA_RCL/Advent/AAdv3_RCL.html
We hope you’ll join us!
Christmas Eve 2021
We would welcome you to visit our church in Ouray. Services are held at 10:30 MDT each Sunday. After the service, we hold a friendly Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall to meet and greet our visitors. Please come!
Are you interested in Baptism for your self or a child in your family?
Please contact the church office if you are interested in baptism into Christ’s Holy Church —
Enid Shaw Richards, flute; Carol Harrold, violin; Phil Harrold, piano.
Music to enhance our worship
We are blessed to have some fine musicians offering their talents to enrich our worship. Each Sunday there is an ensemble offering music appropriate for the season and or lessons.
Coffee Hour following the Sunday Service is always more than just coffee!
SUNday through FRIDAY
Nightly Compline at 8:00 PM, Sunday through Friday, via Zoom on your smart device or PC: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/753863977. Meeting Room 753 863 977. Login code: Compline. This will be the same meeting number for each night.
Blessings and God’s Peace Be With You!