Outreach to 4th graders at Ouray School
Once again, St. John’s welcomed 10 eager 4th graders from Ouray School. They begin each year with a unit on Ouray history, and since St. John’s is the oldest church (144 years ) in the original location, that was one of their first visits. They loved hearing our original pump organ and learning how it works.
Helping to feed the hungry in Ouray County
The county has a Community Food Pantry located on Sherman Street in Ridgway supported by area churches, agencies, and individuals. It is open each Thursday afternoon 12:30 - 3:00pm and serves approximately 35 persons each week. Clients are given fresh and canned food, and donations are made from St. John’s members each month to help with this ministry. This year a special grant was sought by St. John’s to add additional food to the clients. Mt. Market in Ridgway and the Ouray Grocery in Ouray sold us the food “at cost” so we were able to provide 3 special bags of food, both staple foods and “special” foods that would not usually have been afforded. These were well received by the Pantry and its clients.